Luncheons are held monthly, typically on the third Thursday of the month at 11:30am. Join us to connect with WBA members, enjoy lunch, and hear from engaging guest speakers.
The Women's Business Alliance is a committee of the Chamber with a mission to increase the success of women in business through a forum of continuing education and networking.
The WBA creates an environment where women can connect, learn from their peers, and grow their network. The WBA provides professional and leadership development, as well as networking and marketing opportunities through their monthly luncheons and annual conference for women in New Braunfels and the surrounding area.
Are you or your business a member of the New Braunfels Chamber? Great! The Women's Business Alliance is included in your Chamber Membership.
Not a member of the New Braunfels Chamber? Don't fret, you can still join! Dues for the Women's Business Alliance are $150 annually. If you are not a Chamber Member but would still like to join the WBA, you can sign up using the link above.
Luncheons are held monthly, typically on the third Thursday of the month at 11:30am. Join us to connect with WBA members, enjoy lunch, and hear from engaging guest speakers.
The WBA offers members the opportunity to highlight their business during luncheons. Spotlight tables are $50 and are a great opportunity to promote your business.
The WBA hosts an annual conference as an opportunity for members and women in the community to come together for a day of networking and growth.
The New Braunfels Women's Business Alliance is an official committee of the New Braunfels Chamber of Commerce. If you or your business of the Chamber, participation in the WBA is included and you do not have to pay any separate dues.
If you are not a member of the Chamber, you can still participate in the Women's Business Alliance by paying the $150 annual dues. This only gives you access to events hosted by the Women's Business Alliance. Should you wish to attend Chamber Mixers or participate in other Chamber Committees, you will need to either join the Chamber or "upgrade" your WBA Membership to a full Chamber Membership.
Additionally, if you are not a Chamber Member, you cannot serve in a leadership position with the WBA (Chair/Vice Chair).
If you sign up to be a WBA member at $150 and later decide (within the year that you signed up) to become a Chamber member, you can pay for Chamber dues minus the $150 already paid. You will be invoiced again for Chamber dues on the original date that you signed up for WBA.
All attendees pay $20 to attend the monthly luncheons, including Chamber members, WBA only members and guests. In addition to your membership dues, the $20 helps covers the cost of the room rental and provided meal. Remaining funds assist with operating expenses.
Yes, guests are always welcome to attend WBA luncheons and mixers, but may not receive all benefits of the event (free drinks at mixers, entry into raffle prizes, etc). Guests will be asked to either join the WBA or Chamber by the third visit - you won't regret it!
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