Cindy Hatcher is a multi-passionate visionary and entrepreneur who loves to help leaders “Live Well, Love Deeply and Lead Boldly” in their spheres of influence. For the last 20+ years, she has helped countless people break through barriers, limiting beliefs and experience transformation, both personally and professionally. In all that she does, her desire to help you live your best life in every area of life with personal and professional growth and development.
Cindy graduated from Hardin-Simmons University with a Masters in Family Psychology in 1998. She then opened a private practice as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist where she worked with individuals, couples, and families, specializing in relationship issues, eating disorders/addiction and trauma recovery. She previously served as a clinician and administrator in non-profit organizations, residential treatment centers and inpatient psychiatric care.
In 2014, Cindy became a Certified 7 Mountain Professional Coach and the founder of Revive Leadership International, LLC, a company that offers transformational leadership coaching, business coaching and consulting, masterminds and retreats that help leaders and 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs succeed at work and in life without burnout and losing themselves or their families in the process. Cindy also offers intensive marriage and relationship coaching through her Whole Hearted Marriage brand.
Cindy is an elder and on the leadership team for Legacy Church in New Braunfels, where her husband Chris serves as the Executive Pastor. She serves as the worship leader and the director of transformation and equipping ministries. She is the owner and director of The School of Emerging Prophets - Hill Country, a 9 month non-denominational ministry school.
She is the author of the best-selling book, Motivated By Design. And she recently launched another new business called Hatcher Holistic, a health, beauty and wellness company. Hatcher Holistic an official North American distributor for Riman (ree-mahn), Korea’s #1 clean skincare company.
Cindy is married to her college sweetheart, Chris Hatcher and they have two children, Catelyn and Tyler. Catelyn is a graduate of NBHS and is now a sophomore neuroscience major at Baylor University. Her son Tyler is a sophomore at NBHS and is on the varsity wrestling team.
You can contact Cindy and learn more about her endeavors at: www.FollowCindy.com