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Chamber Board of Directors hear about CISD bond

Published Monday, April 17, 2023 12:00am

The Chamber Board of Directors convened on the afternoon of Monday, April 17 for their monthly meeting. The BOD received various community updates including information about the Comal ISD bond election to be included on the ballot in May and an outlook on summertime in New Braunfels.  

Comal ISD Superintendent, Dr. John E. Chapman, provided an overview of the district's bond propositions that includes $$634,659,847 in funding.  

Proposition A addresses district growth in the way of three elementary schools and a middle school to provide capacity relief. Also funded by Proposition A is a new Life Bridges campus, a program designed to educate young adults with disabilities. In addition, more than $17 million of the proposition will fund safety and security projects, capital projects at existing campuses, facility infrastructure projects, buses to replace aging units, and land for future schools. 

Proposition B will address stadium safety improvements at Canyon Lake High School and a bleacher expansion and fieldhouse at Davenport High School.  

Proposition C will fund the purchase of student learning devices, classroom audiovisual equipment, Wi-Fi expansion, and Wide Area Network (WAN) infrastructure across the district.  

In response to the bond presentation, the BOD decided to pass a resolution in support of Comal ISD’s bond. The Chamber has a long history of support for educational progress since the founding of New Braunfels.

Learn more about the CISD bond