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Become an NBgives member today, it’s free!

Published Wednesday, June 5, 2024 2:48pm

Is your organization looking to make a meaningful impact in the New Braunfels community? NBgives, an initiative of the New Braunfels Chamber, is dedicated to fostering corporate philanthropy in and around New Braunfels. We invite businesses of all sizes and industries to join us in creating positive change and enhancing the well-being of our community.

NBgives encourages businesses to contribute in ways that align with their values and resources. Whether through financial contributions, product donations, service offerings, or volunteerism, your efforts can make a significant difference. Membership in NBgives is free, and we welcome businesses from all sectors—whether you're a small family-owned shop or a large corporation.

Why Join NBgives?

1. Be Part of a Supportive Community: By joining NBgives, you'll connect with like-minded peers who share a commitment to making a difference. 

2. Gain Recognition: Members of NBgives receive recognition for their philanthropic efforts. Showcase your commitment to giving back with the NBgives virtual badge, proudly displaying your dedication to giving back.

3. Encourage a Culture of Giving: By participating in NBgives, you're not only making a direct impact but also encouraging a culture of philanthropy within your organization and inspiring others in the community to follow suit.

How to Join

Becoming a member of NBgives is simple. Make the pledge to give back in ways that suit your business. Visit our website and sign up—it’s as easy as that. Join a community of organizations dedicated to doing good in New Braunfels. Together, we can foster a spirit of generosity and enhance the quality of life for everyone in New Braunfels. Take the pledge today and become a part of NBgives!

For more information and to sign up, visit