Zipp Family Sports Park
The New Braunfels EDC invested $15 million to develop phase one of this 150-acre park that will significantly impact the surrounding communities.
The New Braunfels Economic Development Corporation (NBEDC or EDC) is a volunteer city board that is comprised of seven New Braunfels residents. The EDC Board governs the use of economic development sales tax revenue and makes recommendations to the New Braunfels City Council for economic development projects.
Featured projects
Here are a few of the exciting recent projects that the EDC has funded that will benefit our community.
The New Braunfels EDC invested $15 million to develop phase one of this 150-acre park that will significantly impact the surrounding communities.
Continental's North American HQ for autonomous mobility opened in New Braunfels in 2021. Conducting research, production, and assembly for self-driving vehicles, this first-of-its-kind facility added over 500 jobs to New Braunfels.
TX FAME Lone Star's primary focus is to develop and grow a skilled pipeline of workers through the engagement of the current and future workforce in partnership with industry and the community.
The EDC has supported New Braunfels' 2023 bond projects with approximately $1.4 million for engineering and surveying work, as well as transportation improvements for Kohlenberg road.
This important project will protect and preserve the land surrounding the headwaters of the Comal River and open a new community space.
The EDC contributed $19.1 million to fund a portion of the City of New Braunfels' bond projects, including the Zipp Family Sports Complex.
EDC Resources